Gathering is an essential facet of our Wholeness. Our experience of Life expands in a way that is not accessible when alone. Your participation in these workshops is valued, and fundamental, to our emergence as a community that is well. Thank you for your courage to circle up, to trust, and to fully show up.
Montreal Wholeness Circle
Our Time Together
We gather together monthly to learn about and experience our Wholeness Companions. We create an intimate circle to share how these neurologically-based partners impact our lives, and how we might bring into being a balanced expression of these integral parts of ourselves​
The Details
Click below to learn more about our format, the core principles, what to bring, free admission, and to sign-up.
The Longing: What you seek is seeking you
The Encounter
Meet the three facets of The Divine: The Infinite Face, The Intimate Face, and The Inner Face.
The Experience
Through contemplation, poetry, movement, and/or art we sense into our understanding and embodiment.
The Intention
This is a space for us to repair, begin, or deepen our connection with Something Greater.
The Details
This workshop is offered throughout the year and upon request to suit your needs.
Please inquire as to how to schedule this experience for you and your entourage.