The Itinerary
It is human nature to seek answers, especially to The Big Questions: why we are here?, where did we come from? where are we going? In trying to make sense of a seemingly senseless existence, we create stories that attempt to answer these important existential wonderings. MappingMeaning is a collaborative community intended to share and discuss our heart-felt narratives.
Set your compass
Without reflection, humanity tends to look outward for comfort and joy rather than inward for meaning and purpose. Generally, we reach a point in life when we know that external stimulation no longer satisfies a deep longing. There is a realization that turning inward may lead to abiding peace and joy.
Have you had a moment of turning your face upward to the sky, arms reaching up, asking: what is this all about? Are there occasions when you are down on your knees, pounding on the floor, crying out: why am I here? It is during these times we find the motivation to contemplate the Great Mystery.
The intention of this experience is to create a container for you to contemplate and formulate a story that brings you serenity and promise. This is an opportunity for those of you emerging into contemplation, to receive from others who are engaged in the process. And, this is a chance for those of you who have put this reflection on hold, for important reasons, to rejoin the conversation. Lastly, if you are like me, this occasion will continue to nourish your quest to clarify your beliefs, perspectives and fascination with the infinite possibilities of Who We Are.
Whatever reason has brought you to this work, I invite you to rest back into a larger story of Life, to feel into your own truth, on your own terms, and possibly, to reunite with Something Greater.
Playtime (aka practice): Your personal creation myth
Have you formulated a story that offers you peace and meaning? Perhaps pull out your journey and, over several days, jot down some of your foundational beliefs/hopes/faith about what this is all about!
Would you like to share your Creation Story with the MappingMeaning Community? Contact me!
Here is your atlas. Click the arrow on the left of the titles to expand each story.
Remembering Our Wholeness by Judi Blum
~Please note that I use the ancient spelling of Godde as a reminder that Divine is both masculine, feminine, and beyond gender. . ~
We are cells (souls) in the body of a Loving Source (Godde). In an timeless realm (field of consciousness), this Body is whole, all-knowing, pure love & peace. As a part of Godde, we are a natural extension of Their Divine Love. In eternity, which is absolute (non-dual), everything is in perfection. As an extension of Source Energy, we appreciate the impeccability of that realm, yet are impregnated with desire for emergence. This continuity of creation manifested into form which exhibits duality or contrast. This the natural occasion for the Divine to live more facets of Their Self, those which are not accessible in the formless realm. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated: “Do not be too timid or squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” In that sense, our humanly, earthly experience is like a playground, & it is not necessary to be attached to outcomes. It is like a holodeck (Star Trek) where we are privileged to act out a variety of scenarios, but cannot disappear because we are eternal. There is a call to remember who we, along with our brothers & sisters, truly are, in all our uniqueness. Surprisingly, when we forget Wholeness, it is in the remembering again, that we get to participate in the act of Creation by awakening to the continual birthing of our Beingness. The realization of the emergence of the Divine in & around us is an incredible love affair.
This awareness mitigates the sense of danger & threat from our environment, allows us to move from fear to love, from competition to cooperation. Our brain & heart move into coherence & harmony. Consequently, a change in our personal electro-magnetic field occurs & influences the field around the Earth. Coherent consciousness among people creates an upgraded order in the world. This subtle interaction links us with each other and the living Earth for a shift on a more cosmic realm (HeartMath’s Global Coherence Project and Princeton University). We live in a Holofractographic Universe (“an expression of the essential interrelatedness of the holographic & fractal nature of the cosmos: an innately unified whole that is fractally divided into discrete, localized entities that are always connected to each other & the entirety of the whole” ~Nassim Haramein). In other words, all the information in all of creation is present in each of us, down to each proton. This information is replicated on the micro & macro levels throughout the cosmos. “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” ~ Hermes Trismegistus.
Zooming down to a smaller order on the fractal scale, we see the natural cycle of biological evolution. Our cells represent a maturation of bacteria that moved from an immature, individual, competitive and surviving state to a mature, united, cooperative, and thriving state. There is a directionality in evolution toward increasing complexity and consciousness: matter >> bacterium > nucleated cell >> tissues >> organs >> systems >>organisms >>families >> communities etc. Our universe has progressed from the geosphere (matter) to the biosphere (life). We choose to incarnate into the biosphere. Through the evolution of the interaction of the human psyche (psyche means soul in ancient Greek) moving into greater harmony via our electromagnetic field, a new level manifests: the noosphere (thought) emerges & encircles the earth. The more organized human hearts & minds are, the more the noosphere evolves towards unification of its elements & becomes a self-reflective universe. Love is the principal driver towards transformation realized through remembering our wholeness. This climax is the Omega Point (everything in the universe is fated to spiral towards a final point of unification) which could be considered as the ultimate return to Godde (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Lloyd Morgan).
In our holofractographic universe, where each new collective incarnation leads to another Omega Point, we inevitably create novel dimensions of existence. As we collectively remember that we a perfect extension of Godde, the noosphere itself becomes a new cell in the ever-expanding Body.
Like Russian nesting dolls, each time we reach the culmination, we transcend and include (Ken Wilbur) all the facets of Divine we have realized. We reunite into the larger emerging Body, and consequently, have new opportunities in new realms to experience new aspects of Who We Are: unique emerging creations of Consciousness.
To know Eternity: that is wisdom (Lao Tzu) by Veronica Pelicaric
Between the Breath by ajbishop
Acceptance, patience, peace and Love by Rick
Once Upon a Time... by Lisa Schermerhorn